People aren’t blogging about the ways plastics are keeping kids healthy and safe. They aren’t tweeting about the millions of jobs the industry has created. They’re not having conversations in break rooms about how plastics are changing technology for the better.
They’re talking about plastic bag bans. They’re talking about landfills and waste. They’re talking about BPA and phthalates, and they often don’t hear from us.
We’re here to help you change the conversation. And that means we’re addressing these issues head-on. We’re being transparent. We’re proud to tell our story. This is plastics.
With this resource, we’re empowering you with ways to tell the world what you do and why you do it. We’re empowering you with the truth about our industry and a material that makes a positive impact.
Explore This Is Plastics today to inspire meaningful discussions with your family, friends, neighbors and the world to share the power of plastics.